What is computer, its utility and features
A computer is a machine that performs tasks according to certain instructions. It is an electronic device that is designed to work with information. This word computer is derived from the Latin word "computare". It means to calculate or to calculate.
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What is computer, its utility and features |
Input Data → Processing → Output Data
What is computer, its utility and featuresCharles Babbage is said to be the father of the modern computer. Because he was the first to design the mechanical computer, which is also known as the Analytical Engine. In this, data was inserted with the help of punch card.
So we can call a computer such an advanced electronic device that takes raw data from the user as input. Then processes that data through a program (set of instruction) and publishes the final result as Output. It processes both numerical and non numerical (arithmetic and logical) calculations.
What is the full form of computer?
Technically there is no full form of computer. Still there is an imaginary full form of computer
C – Commonly
O – Operated
M – Machine
P – Particularly
U – Used for
T – Technical and
E – Educationa
history of computer
It cannot be properly proved that since when the development of computer started. But officially the development of computer has been classified according to the generation. These are mainly divided into 5 parts.
What is computer, its utility and featuresWhen it comes to the generation of the computer, it means that the generations of the computer in Hindi. As the computer developed, they were divided into different generations so that it is easy to understand them properly.
1. First Generation of Computer – 1940-1956 “Vacuum Tubes”
The first generation computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory. They used to be quite big in size. A lot of power was used to run them.
Being very large, it also had a lot of heat problem, due to which it used to malfunction many times. Machine language was used in these. For example, UNIVAC and ENIAC computers.
2. Second Generation of Computer – 1956-1963 “Transistors”
In second generation computers, transistors replaced vacuum tubes. Transistors took up very little space, were smaller, were faster, were cheaper and were more energy efficient. They used to generate less heat than the first generation computers but still there was still a problem of heat in it.
In this, high level programming languages like COBOL and FORTRAN were used.
3. Third Generation of Computers – 1964-1971 “Integrated Circuits”
What is computer, its utility and featuresIntegrated Circuit was used for the first time in third generation computers. In which the transistors were small and inserted inside the silicon chip, which is called Semi Conductor. It benefited from this that the processing capacity of the computer increased to a great extent.
Monitors, keyboards and operating systems were used for the first time to make computers of this generation more user friendly. Launched it in the market for the first time